Julian Makena Kihara.
Board Secretary
MA counseling Psychology.
When we were young, the aged cared for us. Therefore it is our responsibility to take care of them. The aged need to be given a sense of purpose in life even though they are frail. They need to be treated with dignity. Sometimes I wonder why we see beauty in old trees but see nothing in an old person. It’s saddening to find the aged neglected, with untreated bed sores, soiled beddings and untreated diseases. We can only honour them by taking care of them and showing them love. To me, age is a gift from God and we can only glorify this gift by taking care of the aged. “Respect the elderly when you are young. Help the weak when you are strong, because one day you will grow old and become weak and you expect others to show you respect”.
the world.
the world.