Mai Mahiu Village was woken-up on the night of April 29, 2024 by the sound of roaring flood waters. The raging flood waters from the Kijabe and Kiharu Hills swept across the valley and Mai Mahiu village leaving wanton destruction of lives and property on its pathe. Homes, property, livestock and crops were swept away. Not even motor vehicles on the road transporting regular passengers and school children were spared. The waters didn’t discriminate, carrying away not just houses and their possessions, but also cherished family members, neighbours and even animals. Families were abruptly displaced and left devastated, desperate and grieving.
In the aftermath of the devastating floods, the concept of home, which typically symbolizes safety, belonging, and comfort, was shattered for many. Survivors were left grappling with uncertain future. Those who escaped the deluge found themselves in makeshift shelters, seeking solace amidst the ruins of what was once their vibrant community.
School children that survived the floods were devastated and greatly distressed having gone to bed in the evening looking forward to the following day at school. Their ‘tools of trade’ including uniform and stationery, were all gone overnight; their future seemed shuttered.
Humanitarian agencies stepped in to provide crucial aid at the Ngeya Primary School where many displaced families sought refuge. Here, amidst the makeshift tents and temporary accommodations, the school grounds became a semblance of stability—a new, albeit temporary, home for those who had lost everything.
Amidst the chaos, the founder and CEO of Ethel Foundation for aged Rev. Fr. Cornel Omondi, visited the school. In conversations with the survivors, the education of school going children emerged as a major concern. Parents were concerned about how their children will resume schooling. Recognizing this urgent need, the Ethel Foundation took made the decision to provide uniforms to students from Ngeya and Mai Mahiu Primary schools, ensuring that these children resume their education with dignity and hope.
With funding support from REDES Esparanza, the Ethel Foundation for the Aged supplied uniforms to fifty-five (55) affected school children.
A teacher and Ethel Foundation Staff join the Ngenya Primary School Children .

At Ethel Foundation, we respond holistically to the physical, social, psychological, economic and spiritual needs of the vulnerable older and other members of society.